Oh gosh. I'm terrible. But as you can see, it isn't just this blog I'm neglecting, it's internet in general. I was doing so well updating, and had like, all these recipes for recovery I typed up to share, that I thought Hey! I should make a real blog that anyone (family and the occasional stalker) can see! A "me" blog! Obviously that worked. I haven't had a computer in who knows how long, so I've been using my phone. and unless it has a simple little app like facebook and instagram, I'm not on it. But apparently blogger does... you just have to text your entire post... and it's proving to be a bit more annoying than a laptop. I'm just hoping it posts when I click the button. You guys deserve a blog post from me, dang it! That is, if any of you are still following me? What the H. Someone better be, if I'm going to be blogging from my tiny phone! Lol.
So this whole process has been a pain. I am finally out of bands, yay! No more rubber jail! But I am now having to see a Tongue Thrust Therapist. Who knew they existed? Not this girl! I can't get my braces off, until I correct my tongue thrust. What is a Tongue Thrust you say?
Apparently your tongue should be resting on that bumpy area of your mouth. You know, on the roof behind your front teeth. The tongue should not touch your teeth. Ever. Mine rests against my bottom teeth, and pushes against my top ones when I swallow.
It seems impossible to break this habit, but apparently it can be done. And unless it is, my teeth will forever be in braces. Noooo!!! My orthodontist should have seen this when he first put my braces on (6 years ago) and I could have been correcting this problem all this time. But he's a horrible Ortho. And he didn't even know I had a tongue thrust.
I also will be having two more (though smaller) surgerys in the next few months. My swelling was happening too quickly durrying my jaw surgery, so my surgeon had to finish the procedure quickly. Because of this, my chin didn't get shaved off properly, and is still very jagged, making the scar tissue pile up. So, my jaw is fixed, but my chin is having major issues. They will be taking the tissue out in one of the surgeries.
My face is still numb, from the corner of my lips down. Mostly just the area they will be correcting.
I still have tissue all over, but it is going away properly. I just feel like it's taking forever. I want this all to be done already!
I forgot to mention, that because of my rapid swelling durrying surgery, my surgeon had to act fast, and stitch me up quickly. Which resulted in a terrible job. And he knows. I have a wonderful doctor. So it is all messy inside my mouth, and it will be nice to finally have things cleaned up ans back to normal in there. It's really a site for sore eyes, I'll tell you what.
I am recovering from a horrible sinus infection at the moment. Because I've been dick, I've had to cancel my last two Tongue Thrust appointments. My Dr. Emailed me and told me if I don't make it in this week, I have to start therapy all over. So I'm lying in bed trying to recover so I don't have to do that! I ate a clove of Garlic and drank a cup of garlic tea just to try and get over this. Yes, I am just that desperate guys. And I smell delicious! Lol.
Anyway, I'll try to be better at posting. Let's see if it posts from my phone though!
Also, I don't know if this picture Im adding will work. It's a good side shot of my chin at the moment. People ask me about it a lot. It's really wierd and annoying right now.